Back an Issue
SponsorLink’s got a new trick up its sleeve: you can now support specific GitHub issues! Just make a one-time donation to any GitHub Sponsors account that’s turned on SponsorLink, and come back here to back an issue.
This way, you can push for the features you want and directly back the development that excites you. Pretty neat, huh?
GitHub Sponsor account: |
How this works (in-depth)
Any GitHub account can be SponsorLink-enabled by following the instructions in the
sponsorable setup guide. Once enabled,
the sponsorable will provide a sponsorlink.jwt
file via their [account]/.github
which contains the relevant information
for this page to retrieve sponsorships and previously backed issues.
For example, you view the contents of devlooped’s manifest directly at to inspect the provided information.
The included GitHub OAuth app identifier (client_id),
is used to authenticate the user and provide explicit consent on information to be shared.
Once authenticated, this page invokes the self-hosted backend provided by the sponsorable
to retrieve the list of one-time sponsorships available for backing new issues as well
as the previously backed issues and their accumulated amounts. The backend URL is provided
in the iss
claim of the manifest JWT,
with the added path /github/issues
Even though this static page is hosted by Devlooped as part of SponsorLink documentation, it works with any SponsorLink-enabled account. The developer of the backend reference implementation of SponsorLink, does not have any visibility into the sponsorships or the sponsorable’s GitHub account since it’s all self-hosted by each project owner.